As I have Latvian regional settings, WP uses comma as decimal separator. The appearance of numbers in Calc depends on the language settings. where we specify the reading in decimal separator as comma while the output separator is specified as dot. in a text box or in a page note in a PowerPoint 2010 presentation, a comma (,) is typed unexpectedly. You can change commas to decimal points or dots or vice versa in your Excel workbook temporarily or permanently. The problem is, there's a lot of software that doesn't work correctly with comma as separator (MSN Health & Fitness is one example) and there is no way to input dot when software thinks that input field is numeric. Despite this, it’s still common in countries that use decimal commas to find thousands separated by a dot. One of the possible problems that may occur after installing Windows 10 instead of German letters in the programs, as well as in documents. Remove it from the Block list, refresh, click Dictate again, and enable permissions. as decimal sign instead of a comma? This issue occurs when the following conditions are true: The format of the region on the computer is set to French (France) or French (Belgium). Microphone isn't working ". With regard to use of decimals in sci- Australia and most Asian countries use the dot, South America uses the comma, and some parts of Africa use the dot and other parts, the comma. It's in the top-left section of the PowerPoint ribbon, which is the orange band atop the PowerPoint window. Some languages, like French, Italian, German, or Portuguese, use a comma as decimal separator. Is there any way to change WP to use dot as decimal separator without changing my regional settings? In your locale, for a general value, comma works as thousand delimiter. And in countries where a point is used as a decimal separator, a comma is usually used to separate thousands. The decimal point (.) In the United Kingdom, the raised dot is used, and in the United States, the baseline dot is used. Check your browser's settings, search for "microphone", and see if you may have denied permissions in the past for PowerPoint, Office, or OneDrive by viewing it in your blocked list. or comma (,) is used as the group separator in different regions in the world. Regards, How can I use a dot (.) When you changed data type to text, it used dot as text delimiter. According to Wikipedia the following countries use a period/full stop: All of that works fine, only the decimal divider is always a dot. When you try to type a dot symbol (.) Hi @tex628 ,. If you're using a Mac, the Home tab is different than the Home menu item that's in the top-left side of your Mac's screen. Here in Germany we use a comma as decimal divider and that's what I'd like to have in my spreadsheet. More often, there is an incorrect display of the comma and decimal as it was initially set to English and not quite, but there are exceptions where it simply does not work. However, you may be surprised to learn that many countries use commas or other decimal marks to separate decimals from whole numbers instead. So $ cat test.csv header,header2 1,"2,1" 3,"4,0" $ cat test2.csv ,header,header2 0,1,2.1 1,3,4.0 where you see that the separator has changed to dot. Powerpoint - number format on chart - change decimal separator from dot to comma Dear, My language is set in English, however I would like the number format on the charts to be using "," as separator instead of ". the United Kingdom, the comma is used as the decimal separator. If you live in the English speaking world, you probably take it for granted that you separate decimals from whole numbers using a point. Depending on your country or region, Excel may display decimal points or dots instead of commas for larger numbers. I sure could go into the spreadsheet and find and replace all dots with commas but I would love to have that done by the script.